

Deep Magic Baijiu 235ml

Deepearth Farm is a certified Crafted Distillery based in Lindell Beach, BC, near the scenic Cultus Lake Provincial Park. Deepearth Farm manufactures the Deep Magic using the best water sources that from a well deep down 1000 feet underground. The Asian Characters in Deep Magic Baijiu label translated as "Source Spring of Thousand Feet", honours the best water source from the nature of BC Canada. 


Deep Water Vodka 750ml

Deep Water Vodka, craft distilled with local BC wheat and globally awarded Fraser Valley deep underground cold spring, is a fresh and unique flavoured Spirit.


Deep Grain Liqueur 375ml

Deep Grain Liqueur is produced with BC local wheat, mixing with Deep Magic Baijiu which won the Double Gold Awards at 2021 San Francisco World Spirits Competition and Platinum Awards at 2021 SIP World Spirits Competition.

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Taste comes from tradition:
Deepearth Farm is a Certified Craft Distillery. Combining traditional distilling techniques with modern technology to create an organic, MSG Free, pure liquor with a sweet aftertaste.