

Deep Magic Baijiu 235ml

Deepearth Farm is a certified Crafted Distillery based in Lindell Beach, BC, near the scenic Cultus Lake Provincial Park. Deepearth Farm manufactures the Deep Magic using the best water sources that from a well deep down 1000 feet underground. The Asian Characters in Deep Magic Baijiu label translated as "Source Spring of Thousand Feet", honours the best water source from the nature of BC Canada.


Deep Water 伏特加 750ml

Deep Water伏特加酒,由BC认证精酿酒坊选用自产优质小麦,以及获得世界饮用水大赛金奖的菲莎河谷深层地下泉水精心酿造而成,味道柔和清新,风味独特。


麦汁儿 375ml



Deepearth农场是获得加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省(BC省)手工精酿酒证书(Certificated Craft Distillery)的农场酒庄。酒庄将传统酿造工艺与现代化酿造技术相结合,酿制纯天然、无添加、口感纯净、回味甘甜的酒类产品。